Rotala rotundifolia 'Hi Red'
Rotala rotundifolia 'Hi Red'
Rotala rotundifolia' Hi Red' is an interesting species of Rotala that exhibits red colored leaves. It belongs to the Lythraceae family and originated from Southeast Asia. It is a beautiful stem plant that can be grown as a mid-ground or background plant. Being a fast growing aquarium plant, a regular need for training and pruning becomes essential. Rotala species was introduced in 1960 under the erroneous name Rotala Indica; however, later, different species were discovered and given a name according to their features. This variety is given the name 'Hi Red' due to red colored leaves.
Description credits: bunny cart
Image credits: himadri aquatics
Aquatic Plants
Aquatic Plants are not only the best way to improve the health and overall quality of life for the inhabitants of your aquarium, but also aestheticly pleasing.